Five Gifts for New Beekeepers
Looking for gifts for new beekeepers? These gifts ideas work for a beekeeper that’s been doing it for awhile as well. Tools might need replacing or added to the beekeeping toolbox. Any of these tools can get put to good use by a beekeeper.
Here are five ideas they’ll buzz with excitement about. Our list assumes our beekeeper has a suit, smoker and hive tool.
Stings are no fun! Therefore, a pair a gloves is a good idea. I typically end up purchasing a new pair with each season. Gloves get sticky icky by the end of the year.
A good pair of gloves can keep hive inspections moving along and keep stings from the skin. Honey bee stings are quite painful and even life threatening to a small percentage of people who are allergic to the venom.
These goatskin leather beekeeping gloves also protect from heat and sharp tools. Available in sizes XS-2XL.
As a new beekeeper, I’ve tried several different tools that my mentor has, along with many I’ve purchased myself. This frame perch is one of my favorite beekeeping tools for hive inspections, which I do weekly in the warm months.
A frame perch allows you to hang up to three frames on it. This gives you room within the hive box to continue the inspection without having to set frames on the ground. I love this tool and use it all the time.
Wanna know about the Life Cycle of a Honey Bee? Click HERE to learn more. Honey bees are fascinating!
Getting a smoker going can be a challenge for a beekeeper, especially on damp days when leaves and straw doing want to get going.
This smoker fuel is made up of all cotton fibers and will stay lit for awhile and is easy to light. Two pounds should be enough for several full hive checks.
It’s hard not to squish bees when doing a hive inspection. Even when being super careful. A bee brush can help scoot away the curiosu ladies while you put the hive boxes back together.
A brush is very useful when working the hives. This one is made from solid natural wood with strong yet soft bristles for gently moving the bees.
This book is a must have for any new beekeeper. It is a standard in the community. Understanding bee biology is important and so is learning about managing a colony. First Lessons in Beekeeping is a great guide to begin learning about both.Â
Other ideas?
Got other ideas for gifts for new beekeepers? We’d love to hear them! Email us at strengthoflove61@gmail.com. We’re always looking for new ideas for us and to share! (If we share your idea, we’ll give you credit too!)