DIY Beverly Goldberg Costume for Halloween

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Creative | 0 comments

DIY Beverly Goldberg costume title with image of woman in 80s clothes as a Halloween costume


What a Character!

Check out this DIY Beverly Goldberg Costume for Halloween. Strong characters make for great Halloween costumes and Beverly is a great choice!

Some mom jeans, a really over the top top, and perfectly coiffed hair. There you have it!

Finding just the right items to pull off this kind of Halloween costume is the fun part. Thrift shops, online stores…looking for just the right thing is as fun as the dressing up part.

What’s even better is the challenge of making the costume as cost-effectively as possible. This look is totally pull offable. I just make that up.

It’s so fun to take on the over the top personality of Beverly Goldberg! Let’s see what it takes to get her look.


Half the fun of a Halloween costume is finding each item that makes it just right. And of course if you want to be Beverly Goldberg, just right means perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect!

Thrift stores are a great place to start. Not only can you find things for your costume, you might find a rare record or book. Who knows! I’ve always found it fun to look at all the stuff in second hand stores.

If not there, those pop up Halloween stores are a great place for accessories and wigs.  Metro areas typically have vintage shops as well. Those are great for costume parts and pieces, and it’s fun to just take a look around!

And of course, there’s always Amazon or other stores if something needs to be purchased new. If that’s more of your Halloween jam, that’s cool, we’ve got you! A full list with shopping links is below.

Let’s take this look from bottom to top

Beverly does a lot of speed walking, plus she’s always on the go being the helicopter mom she is, so she’s wearing some snazzy and supportive sneakers.

Next are the mom jeans, of course. The more acid washed, the better! After that we’ll have some sort of bright and bold and can’t-be-missed top. The more obnoxious you can create, the better.

The wig. What fun! The wig took the longest time to both find, as well as to ‘mold’ into Bev’s hair-do. Curled and coiffed to perfection!

A few accessories and you’re ready to greet the day with a smile, my little schmoopa-loops!

overview Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume


I looked for Reeboks but couldn’t find them. After several trips, I ended up getting these big white tennnis shoes at Goodwill. When it comes to shoes, I look for pairs that look very new, then spray the hell out of them with disinfectant and/or run them through the washing machine!

Getting them at the thrift store saves money. Shoes are expensive! It’s also often hard to find retro looking shoes at department stores or places like Target.

shoes Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume


The best jeans would be acid washed. Those can be hard to find, yet several trips to the thrift store could turn out to be productive. I didn’t have time to try and acid wash a pair of jeans, but that’s an option as well.

If not acid washed, then at least very mom looking jeans, with pleats in the front. Most Goodwill and other thrift stores have racks and racks of denim.

After a couple of trips looking for the perfect acid washed pair, I settled on these. The color and style are pretty great to represent the 80’s so there you have it.

Keep looking and keep looking. Be sure to try them on, as jeans fit different than how they look slung over your arm! You’ll know them when you see them.

standard fit mom jeans for bev goldberg cosplay costume halloween


Beverly loves her tops with bold and colorful patterns. She also loves things that are bedazzled and sequined and puff painted as much as possible. 

Go for fun here! I ended up with a funky cardigan sweater that just seemed Bev-y.

Both the shirt and the sweater were purchased at Goodwill.

sweater Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume
top Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume


Second hand stores have so many belts. All the time, belts. I don’t wear belts typically, do you? My pants don’t need any help staying up, soooooo……ha! 

For an eighties belt, the wider the better. Braided belts were such a thing. I found a great leather belt that was very forgiving and adjustable! 

sweater Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume


Wigs are tough. I typically have to purchase those. I try to keep my costumes as cheap as I can. Most items I’m able to find at second hand stores, but not wigs. 

Typically, wigs are items that need to be purchased. And typically that’s the most expensive item for most of my costumes.

Beverly has very fun hair but it’s not a wig I was able to find in her style.

For this look, I purchased a blonde wig on Amazon that was at least close in length and color.

I then spent a couple of evenings with the wig. I used a curling iron and hair spray to start but the curls just weren’t staying the way I wanted so I ended up using craft glue to get a curl section to stay where I wanted it to.

Working with the wig to get it just right took two nights, after work, while watching TV. I’d say I spent four or five hours total getting it to look perfect.

With my costumes I do my best to really try and get things as close as I can, so I carve out time where I can to work on the little details. It’s worth that extra time!

beverly goldberg cosplay wig how to
beverly goldberg cosplay wig how to 2
beverly goldberg cosplay wig how to 3


I found the jewelry at the thrift store after a few trips. Nothing fancy, just a cheap set of earrings with a necklace.  

white beaded necklace and bead earrings for Beverly Goldberg Halloween cosplay costume


Like Bev would do, it’s best to really take this whole costume over the top.

I did a Google image search and printed a few photos of the Goldberg family and placed them in a few small frames we have around the house.

At my job I placed them on my desk, as if they were my own family, proudly displayed in my cubicle! We couldn’t take photos in the office so I don’t have any of those, but you get the idea.

Here’s the final look, all together. It was so much fun walking into work and having everyone figure out who I was.

Halloween is the best! How fun is this?! So…think you can pull off Beverly Goldberg? I’m sure you can! We’d love to see how yours turns out!

beverly goldberg cosplay diy

Here are links to each of the items for easy shopping!

Necklace & Earring Set
Sweater – There are too many! This is based on your preference of TACKY!!


Check out my other Halloween creations!

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Beverly Goldberg
Ghostbuster (Full Proton Pack DIY)

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